The Evolution of Nyasa to Modern Yoga Nidra through Swami Satyananda Saraswati

Swami Satyananda Saraswati was a spiritual leader and founder of the Bihar School of Yoga. He is known for his contributions to the modern practice of yoga and for his modification of the traditional Nyasa practice known as "nidra yoga" to create the widely-used relaxation technique called "yoga nidra."

Nyasa is a Sanskrit term derived from the root "nas," meaning "to place" or "to touch," and refers to the conscious placement of the fingers or hands on specific points of the body during meditation or ritual. The purpose of this practice is to infuse these locations with a special mantra, visualization, or feeling, which is often spoken aloud or conjured in the mind. There are various forms of Nyasa, each with its own specific purpose and significance.

One example is Matrika Nyasa, which involves the placement of the 50 letters of the Sanskrit alphabet, known as "Matrika," onto different parts of the body. The term "Matrika" itself comes from the Sanskrit word "matr," meaning "mother," and is believed to represent the creative and nourishing aspect of the divine feminine. This form of Nyasa is said to purify and energize the body, as well as bestow blessings upon the practitioner.

Another form of Nyasa is Sadanga Nyasa, which involves the placement of mantra into six specific parts of the body. "Sad" means "six" and "anga" means "limbs," so this form of Nyasa is sometimes referred to as the "six-limbed Nyasa." The six parts of the body that are typically focused on in this practice are the heart, forehead, crown, both eyes, both hands (palms), and back. It is believed that this form of Nyasa helps to purify and balance the energy within the body, and can also serve as a means of attaining spiritual growth and enlightenment.

In the 1960s, Swami Satyananda modified the traditional practice of nidra yoga to make it more accessible to Westerners. He incorporated elements of western hypnotic relaxation and ideas from Herbert Benson's "The Relaxation Response" into the practice, resulting in the creation of the modern relaxation technique known as "yoga nidra." This practice is now widely used for stress reduction and relaxation.


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