About Us

RelateSpace was born from a recognition of the untapped potential in blending ancient yogic wisdom with contemporary psychotherapeutic techniques. Traditional psychoanalytic methods, although revolutionary, often fall short of addressing the entire spectrum of human experience, focusing excessively on the mind while neglecting the body and spirit. This is where yoga, an ancient Indian discipline, fills the gap.

Yoga, in its true essence, is not merely a physical practice but a profound spiritual journey towards self-realization and liberation. "Yoga is not just repetitious physical movement," T.K.V. Desikachar wrote in "The Heart of Yoga: Developing a Personal Practice" (1999), "It's a philosophy that encourages the conscious connection of body, mind, and spirit."

Freud, Jung, and Reich were pioneers in exploring the depths of the human psyche, but their approaches were primarily grounded in Western thought and culture. Their methods, though insightful, didn't encompass the holistic view of the human existence found in yogic philosophy. "The psyche cannot be totally transcended until it’s understood," noted Carl Jung in "Psychology and Alchemy" (1944), a statement that resonates deeply with the yogic principle of self-awareness as a pathway to liberation.

RelateSpace takes this understanding a step further by integrating speech therapy with yogic movement practices, creating a holistic therapeutic approach that recognizes the interconnectedness of physical, mental, and spiritual health. This synthesis allows for a deeper exploration of the self, addressing issues from a multi-dimensional perspective and facilitating genuine, lasting healing.

Unlike the experience one might have in a large ashram in India, where the individual's unique needs can get lost in the crowd, RelateSpace offers a personalized environment. Here, therapy is tailored to the individual, ensuring that each person's unique journey is recognized and honored. Sadhguru, the founder of the Isha Foundation, emphasizes the importance of this individual approach in his teachings. "The only way out is in," he asserts in "Inner Engineering: A Yogi's Guide to Joy" (2016), highlighting the necessity of internal transformation as a precursor to external change.

In conclusion, RelateSpace is not just a therapeutic platform; it's a sanctuary for the soul, body, and mind. It's a place where ancient wisdom meets modern understanding, where individuals are guided on their unique paths toward healing and self-discovery. By honoring the wisdom of the past and embracing the knowledge of the present, RelateSpace provides a truly integrative approach to mental health and well-being.